Let's Hear It for Yes!

Got a lot of No’s in your life? Can’t do this because… Shouldn’t do that because… Probably won’t do that other thing that you’d really love because…

Is that how it goes with you much of the time? That inner wet-blanket always saying No, pushing you around, raining on your parade?

Do One Thing

Enough already! Time to fight back. To help you do that, here comes your very own “secret weapon”: a great big Yes.

We offer two versions, either or both of which you can download right now (along with our good wishes). The champagne flutes make a fantastic screen saver, by the way—just wait till you see those little guys smiling out at you.

(Mac users: drag the j-peg you choose into your Pictures folder to get it into your screen saver.)

The orange sunrise doesn't seem to work as well at full size, at least not on my computer. It may lend itself better to a different use, perhaps printed onto photo paper for hanging.

If both these images are too large for your purposes, you can resize them at picnik.com.

Do One Thing And there’s another secret weapon: if you haven’t yet experienced Picnik, you’ve got a treat in store. It’s a fantastic resource—and also free.

The images on this page were tweaked at Picnik, so I know how well it works. You can even sharpen an image there. (Nope, I'm not an affiliate, just a fan.)

Simply click on the Yes you want—or download them both. They may even suit you just as they are. And thanks for dropping by!

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